Sep 5Liked by David W. Zoll

Thanks for the gardening tips very helpful!!

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Thanks for helping with the cottage gardens!❤️

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With the excessive heat we had this summer, our gardens are a disaster we've lost heart on a lot of things. I told my husband, though, he can buy me that tree for the garden we've been talking about for my birthday next week. He brightened considerably. Who knows? When the temps get closer to the 70s, we may have more energy.

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So sorry about that. No flowers no bees, right? What kind of tree?

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You're right about the bees. Our bees absconded sometime last spring before Jeff opened the hive to check on them after winter. It was a very short bloom season too, so whatever desert blossoms came in spring, they went pretty quickly. As for the tree, we don't know yet. Something small for a small space, but I do like the honey locust next to our lawn swing, so maybe one of those if we can find one.

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I wish there was a "taste of Autumn" here in my neck of the woods. It is supposed to be 80 here today and a good shot of rain Friday. The leaves are also falling but because of the drought.

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Come to Michigan!!! Great time of year to visit. Kids are all in school.

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